How many Black embroidery artists do you know?

Today's topic for a blog post is quite different from usual. I'm not from the US or Europe, I'm not a person of color, I hardly ever interacted with a Black person in real life, and it may seem that it's not my problem at all...

But I do think that racism, classism, and power abuse are universal problems that exist everywhere in the world, and which, unfortunately can take such subtle forms that we won't even notice it within ourselves unless we look very closely.

That's why it should be talked about, especially loudly, by nonvictims.

BlackLivesMatter links

to read, donate, sign petitions

It was only today that I realized that I don't know any Black embroidery artist.

I'm still processing the why's and how's, and what it means about me and about the community, and I hope all of us ask ourselves these questions.

The thoughts in my head are a little crumbled so I will speak in bullet points...

1. First of all, check out these embroidery artists:

@amber_lea_creates, @celiajayi, @crewel_therapy, @handmadebyregina, @lavystitch, @osy_creates, @prettystrangedesign, @ravel.embroidery, @ravenkiannad_art, @seabeard, @simoneelizabethtextiles, @stitch_tlc, @stitchwontkillmyvibe, @the_wreckshop, @yesstitchyes, @willaminaembroidery, @stitchwshay, @xoxoloriloves, @createtheculture_embroidery, @moonflesh, @artyouhungry, @sirenssongstithcery, @embellishedtalk

And read what they have to say:

There are many black embroidery artists (definitely a much smaller number than white embroidery artists, but we’re out here) but much of the problem is visibility and proximity to opportunity. The online embroidery is dominated by a handful of very popular, white voices, and because of that they get the audience, likes, follows, partnerships, sponsorships, etc.

It is also up to companies like DMC and other fiber art suppliers to do a better job seeking and featuring black talent.
Фото профиля prettystrangedesign
I also think a lot of black people don’t pursue embroidery or even know it is an artistic option for them because they don’t see enough people who look like them doing it. “You can’t be what you can’t see”

That is why representation is so important on every level and in every career path and artistic practice. And until the scales balance out, white allies in this community need to be more intentional about amplifying black creators, and using their connections and privilege to create and share opportunities for black artists to make a living

2. Indifference and naivete

One of the subtle forms of racism is indifference. “This is not my problem”,“Nothing I do will change anything”, “We don't need to speak about it all the time”.

Another subtle form is ignorance and naivete: “Is it really that serious?”, “I don't see any problem”, “This is very far-fetched”.

And both are forms of arrogance stemmed from the privilege we are used to, and both are just as dangerous as obvious and direct, personal forms of racism.

Because indifference and ignorance of bypassers enable the oppressor to do whatever they want.

3. Our privilege is not forever

We can hardly ever understand what Blacks feel. Because we have never been through what they have.

But it's not an excuse to sit still and be silent.

Don't ever, for a second, think that the comfortable and safe world you live in can't ever crumble down. God can shake up our situation and put it upside down in one second, and then we will be the ones needing support and helping hand.

I'm telling you this because privilege blinds many people. You start being indifferent to the problems others face because you just don't understand. You've never been in such situations and in your mind you will never be in such a situation, so why care.

Sadly, no one is safe from oppression.

Maybe realizing that will instigate the empathy.

4. Long-term action is the most important

The change may or may not come overnight but in any case, it is our responsibility to keep working on ourselves and strive to do better.

So, apart from donations, signing the petitions, and overall rolling the current “wave” of the mood, let's make sure to take some long-term actions.

Educate ourselves. I found this educational plan the best so far. There're lots of free resources and if the timetable confuses and stresses you out, the book “White Fragility” is available on Amazon Kindle and should be a good first step. 

Focus on the kids. Kids are the future. Let's be attentive to what kind of content they consume, what they hear, what they see, and what they DON'T hear and see, what they already think about skin colors, what they already think about neighbors, classmates, etc. Let's call racism out in front of the kids, even if it is our family members.

I will wrap it up here. Feel free to add any resources and thoughts in the comments below!


  1. Great post and wonderful content! Thank you.

  2. Amina love this post! Genuine thanks for such a great reading and so many links to such beautiful persons

  3. These are amazing! I just went on an IG following spree. Thank you!

  4. Hi! I am StitchwShay!
    Thank you so much for the recognition and love! Before I started this journey your blog was one of the very first sites I checked out to learn, so this means a lot to me! Thank you, thank you!
    I wish you many blessings!

    Peace & Gratitude

    1. Oh, Shay, thank you for this message! Wish you all the best! ❤❤❤

  5. Hello Amina!
    I am compiling information for a calendar of fibre arts for the "Stitch Please" podcast, and this here POST has cut down on WEEKS of werk finding embroidery artists of color, of which you are ONE. I was raised to not be afraid of my Muslim sissies and brehs, and so I greet you in LOVE. Dr. Woolfork is always looking for new podcast guests. Would you be amenable? (See what I DID there???) Thank you for taking the time to do this research.


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