#HibiscusChallenge Part 1: The Flower

Are you excited to start the new Stitch Along??

I hope everyone is ready and has all the materials prepared. If not, then no worries! You can catch up any time, just don't get nervous :)

Some reminders before we start:

  • If you don't have a pattern, sign up and check the Welcome message for information about Resource Library and the way to access it. You will find the pattern there. 
  • There will be lots of pictures so be aware of that if your connection is sensitive to a lot of data.
  • This part is probably the most difficult one so IT IS FINE if you don't finish it by next Wednesday!
  • Take your time, don't hurry. Next parts will be easier, you will have an opportunity to catch up!
  • If you're new to long and short stitching, you might find this challenging. But that's why it is a challenge! :) Don't be scared, just do it for practice.
  • Don't be sad if it doesn't look the same! Everything takes practice. If I attempted this few years ago, my stitching wouldn't look like it does now. Remember that I didn't start hand embroidery yesterday, I have already accumulated years of practice.
  • Leave your questions in the comments or through the Contact form.
  • Don't forget to post your results on Instagram with #hibiscuschallenge (and tag me please so I don't miss your posts/stories) or send me on e-mail aminakdesigns[@]hotmail.com. It would be perfect if we could see each other's results before each next part is published, to motivate each other :)

And now we start!

The colors we will be using today: A, B, C, D.

Today's stitches are:

This is the order in which I will show you how to work the petals. Since I'm going to rotate the hoop so that each petal stands vertically, the order might be confusing – so please, refer to this chart to understand which petal I will be talking about.

Also, I will show you petals 1 and 2 from start to finish.

And then, to speed the things up a little (well, from my subjective perspective) I will show you how I work petals 3,4,5 in main color and then add shading to all three at once.

You will understand it!


Before we start with long and short stitching, we need to outline the petals.

Use color A. Why? Because this color will be on the edge of the petals when we do long and short stitching :)

Use Split Back Stitch to work it, 1 strand of thread. (optional: 2 strands of thread will make the petal rise a bit higher from the surface of the fabric( = equals a bit more dimension).

1. Bring your thread up through the fabric and make a stitch along the outline.
2. Come back up at a stitch distance from where the previous one ended and pierce it from above.
3. Repeat the previous step and split the previous stitch again.
4. Keep working the outline for each petal.

Basically, Split Back Stitch is like Back Stitch but you split the previous stitch when you bring the needle down.

Alternative stitches if this one doesn't work for you: Split Stitch, Back Stitch, Stem Stitch.

The tube in the center is called style. We work it with Split Back Stitch again. Take color C and 1 strand of thread.

5. Work the outline of the style first
6. And then add a short extra line in between to fill empty space.

Petal 1

Now we start working the petals in Long and Short Stitching.

Take color A and 1 strand of thread.

Mark guiding lines right on the fabric with a pencil or pen so that it is easier to maintain correct direction of stitches.

Rotate your hoop so that the petal is vertical with its top looking upwards, if that's more convenient for you (it is for me).

7. Start by working guiding stitches over the edge of the petal. Make as many as you need and for now, they all can be similar in size.
8. Then fill the gaps between the guiding stitches. Again, don't fret about any variety in length. For the first row of stitches, their length can be the similar.
9. Keep filling the gaps between the guiding stitches. The two guiding stitches are like a cage that helps you to make new stitches in a consistent and correct direction.
10. After the first row is complete, you can start the new one the same way: first, lay guiding stitches and then start filling the gaps between them. When you start the second row, you can now bother with varying the length of your stitches. Also, if you pay attention, I've already worked the sides as well.

11. Continue working the petal little by little, using the benefit of guiding stitches. Try to keep direction of your stitches consistent and vary their length.
12. When you reach the border of the next color area, switch your thread to color B.
13. With color B you almost reach the bottom of the petal.
14. Finish the first petal by adding several stitches in color C.

Now you can rotate the hoop back and see how it looks :)

Petal 2

15. Now we can work the second petal the same way. Start with guiding stitches...
16. ...and then fill the gaps between them.
17. Work the second row the same way, using guiding stitches and filling the gaps between them. Don't forget to leave some empty space for shading according to the pattern.
18. Usually, central parts are quite straightforward and easy to work so, personally, I prefer to complete parts that are a bit trickier first. In this case, that would be the sides.

19. Fill the petal's center as well.
20. Take color B and work the empty space pretty much to the bottom. Follow the direction of stitches above, try to be consistent when switching thread.
21. Add some tiny stitches in color C at the very bottom.
22. The finished petal.

Petals 3, 4, 5

Now that you know how to work the petals, the pictures will be a little less detailed. But the order is pretty much the same: working guiding stitches → filling the gaps between them.

23-24. The area of color A in petal 3 is smaller.

25. This petal is probably the most difficult because of the curve that it has. Our stitches are straight and can't bend, so we have to be careful with how we manage their direction. Look closely at how I follow the guidelines.
26-27. In such cases, it is often easier to make your rows generally shorter so that the switch in stitches' direction is more subtle. Don't change their direction abruptly, rather do it gradually.

28. And the last petal! Everything is like usual here. Work guiding stitches and start filling the gaps between them.
29. Do the same for every next row of stitches. Notice that I already worked the left side here.
30-31. There is again a change in direction of stitches on the left, be careful with that place. If necessary, shorten your stitches and strive to make the change subtle.
32. Don't forget to leave some empty space according to the pattern.

33. Now take color B and fill the empty space almost to the root. Or to the very root if that's easier.
34. This is after adding color B to all the three petals.
35-36. And then add just a handful of tiny stitches in color C to the places marked with arrows. For the fourth petal, you can place the last stitches in color C in a line manner there.

37-38. Lastly, take thread D and make some French knots. Take 2 strands of thread and make 1 wrap around the needle. Place the knots in a random order, and you can let the style to peek through.

And that's all for now!

Everyone, good luck with your works! Leave your questions in the comments if you have any. 

Please, don't forget to show me your results next Monday-Tuesday (even if you don't finish it), before the next part is live :)

Part 2

Here's a cute penguin, he is rooting for you!


  1. Merci pour cette magnifique fleur... Malheureusement,
    Impossible de copier les images sur Word, afin de pouvoir broder ailleurs que devant l'ordinateur.. dommage,
    du coup, je vais devoir abandonner ce projet qui était très sympa!!
    Bonne journée à vous...

    1. MIP : Il faut que tu "copier l'image" ou "enregistrer l'image sous"(selon le navigateur utilisé)sur le menu s'affichant avec le clic droit de la souris, à coller dans le document/fichier que tu souhaites, pour chaque image. Et simplement copier le texte. Ca fait long, mais ça vaut peut-être la peine....
      Ravie de voir que je ne suis pas la seule française à suivre Amina. J'ai quelques lacunes dans mon vocabulaire anglais technique ; il faut souligner que les traducteurs n'aident pas toujours.
      Prends soin de toi, Chantal

    2. I'm afraid I didn't understand the problem, translator wasn't helpful. Thank you, Chantal, hope it solves the issue!

  2. Thanks a lot Amina take time to share your knowledge !! Sincerely, Chantal from France

    1. Thank you for following along despite the language barrier, Chantal! Much love to France ❤

  3. Hi, I'm subscribed, but I didn't receive the challenge pattern..could you please send it to me, thanks💕

    1. Hi!

      The pattern was distributed to all subscribers on April 5th, please check spam folder if it didn't show up in your inbox.

      If you subscribed after that, please check the Resources Library, the pattern is stored there now!

      In case you forgot how to access it, check the first Welcome message that you received after signing up :)

  4. I didn't the pattern.. It's neither in inbox nor spam folder😩

  5. Hi, Reecha!

    Are you subscribed? Check the first "Welcome" letter that you received, find information about the Resource Library and how to access it. The pattern is stored there now!

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