Needlepainting for beginners: 1st preview

Needlepainting for beginners

Catch this sneak peek to my first ever e-course on needlepainting for beginners! :)

The e-course is going to consist of several modules:

  1. Materials, instruments and general tips
  2. Long and short stitch basics and common mistakes
  3. Exercises
  4. Final project

And today you can see a preview of the exercises module :)

Needlepainting for beginners

UPDATE: The course is launched! Enroll now

The best way to master and polish any skill is to train it over and over. That's just the way it is.

Books and theoretical knowledge can only bring you this far. At some point, you might catch yourself at the state where you can see in your mind how your needlework is supposed to look, you can imagine clearly how you would lay the stitches on the fabric... but when it comes to the actual stitching the result is not what you had envisioned.

Needlepainting for beginners

That's why I decided to focus more on practice and make it as efficient as possible while still treasuring your free time.

Each exercise is suitable for working in one day. Of course, if you're ready to dedicate more time to your practice, you can work several in one day or maybe you can work some of them twice or thrice in different colors until you're absolutely confident with the shape.

Needlepainting for beginners

There is also certain logic with the order and type of shapes that you see here. I will be revealing it gradually so that you are more mindful of what exactly you are doing and what we want to achieve at the particular moment of the course. But long story short, they do go from basic to more complicated but that's not all. You practice working up to 5 colors in your shading, various directions of stitching, multiple rows of solid color, adding extra details on top and fuzzy finish like on animals' fur or birds' plumage.

Needlepainting for beginners

And all of that doesn't go strictly uphill in terms of difficulty. Actually, to not strain you too much, it kind of bounces up and down so that there are times where you can relax and take it easier.

Most importantly, I'll be there with you, working all of the shapes by your side! You will see the full process of me stitching each of the shapes with commentary and tips.

If there's anything better than practice, it is definitely guided practice where you can see, learn and repeat while being conscious of what you're doing.

After completing all of these exercises the final project will be a walk in the park for you! But that's another story for another day :)

Stay tuned! 


  1. Oh I'm so excited about this. Thanks

  2. Thank you very much for this proposal !! Can I have an idea of the expense of this full lesson ? It is a pity that there is not translation in French as some of your models on the Swiss site..... Still thank you for all your distributions !! Chantal from France

    1. Hi, Chantal! I'm so sorry about the absence of French translation - I will be talking in English in my videos and I don't think I can provide subtitles :(
      Can't say the price yet since I need to finish all the preparations to calculate it properly and I would like to avoid giving wrong information. Hope you understand. However, I will try to announce the price a week before the course launches!

  3. Merci for this complete answer. I think your videos will help me a lot to compensate for my lack of understanding of technical terms. Read you soon !! Chantal aka Leelou on the web
    (it's a google translation, i don't know if it's the rights worlds... sorry)

  4. they are really great please send more pics.


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